
✍️Why we want to build Tangerine Ecosysyem?

With 18 months experiences in Web3 space and NFT Community

Twitter、Discord、Telegram and Wechat are current social tools for Web3 users

But there's no an all-in-one platform to connect and bridge all the users and communities

We found out it's hard to capture real and loyal users for a community/project.

We hope to solve the problems we meet now like:Rug、User DID、Fake giveaway、Fake engagement....etc in our ecosystem.

Tangerine Ecosystem aim to bridge Web3 users <=> Community <=> Project

By our Platform and Ecoststem,we dedicate to digest web3 user demands.

Included Social、Raffle、Project Marketing、User DID、Web3 CV and more!!

✍️What's in Tangerine Ecosysyem?

Tangerine dAPP <=> ModAcademy <=> Web3 Social-Matrix

✍️What can we change in Web3?

We know it's definetely hard to replace our current social habits. In tangerine ecosystem,we want to increase user-engagement in Web3 And bring all web3-users together in one platform It'll be a circle for users、community、project If you're a moderator or collab manager,you can save more time on cooking web3 works. If you're a community,you can accurately to capture your loyal-members. If you're a project,you can target and deliver the value to users. We want to solve current web3-problems and provide a better and smooth social experience for all users in Tangerine dApp.

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